WordPress & Site Building

#114 – Elementor and Page Builders w/ Ben Pines

2 min read
Podcast by

What You Will Learn

  • How Elementor copies the WordPress business model and why it works
  • How Ben compares Elementor to Divi, Beaver, and other competitors
  • When a page builder is essential for your site, and when it’s not really necessary
  • A sneak peek of upcoming Elementor features

Elementor has been growing rapidly to become one of the most popular page builders on WordPress (think 1,000,000+ active downloads in just 2 years.)

We’re also leaving behind Thrive Architect and switching to Elementor for our newer sites, so you can imagine we’re quite impressed by the product.

For this episode of the podcast, we got hold of Ben Pines, CMO of Elementor, to talk about its features.

Mark was really keen to ask Ben some questions, since he’s been dissing page builders for a long while now. Not that I blame him, we lost quite a bit of money due to page builder bugs in the past.

We also had the opportunity to discuss the page builder landscape: how Elementor fares against the competition and what page builders can expect with the upcoming release of the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

Finally, we got a little trailer of what’s to come for Elementor and I gotta say, the future looks exciting!


about the author
Hey I'm Gael, one of the guys behind Authority Hacker. I make a living working from my laptop in various places in the world and I will use this website to teach you how you could do the same.

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